== The Salopian Scientific Collective ==
A data blog by Daniel Greenwood

About Daniel Greenwood, PhD

Portrait photo of me

Hi, I’m Daniel. I’m a postdoctoral fellow at the ETH in Zürich and I created this blog to share computational or bioinformatic insights and workflows from my work as a systems biologist. I was inspired to call my website the ‘Salopian Scientific Collective’ by the artist Camille Lévêque of the Live Wild Collective, who explores her different artistic interests through seven personas, each with their own backstory and portfolio. As systems biologists, we similarly have to embrace multiple personalities: biologist, programmer, data wrangler, designer, mentor. But in the end it is just me. And why ‘Salopian’? Salop is the old latin name of my home region, now the beautiful county of Shropshire.

Check out my publications in immunology, host-pathogen interactions and drug development at my Google Scholar page.

If you’re interested in my professional history, check out my LinkedIn.

Alternatively, reach out to me on snail mail (also know as email) at daniel@tangle.org.uk. I disabled comments on this website - though I’m sure engagement must be through the roof - but if you like any of the content I would be delighted to hear from you.